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I'm back on the laptop
external usenet poster
Posts: 927
ImStillMags > wrote in news:59d4ed8f-f848-47d6-
> I have become a fan of WTSO. It is a website, Wines Till Sold
> Out. It's the online part of a big wine store in the NE.
> They put up one wine at a time on the site at huge discounts, usually
> 50 -75%, and when that wine has sold out they put up another one.
> The shipping is free with an order of 4 bottles, usually, sometimes on
> the higher priced wines they only require one bottle for free
> shipping.
> I've seen Dom Perignon at half price...still more than I can do, but
> still....half price !! wow.
> I've gotten some serious bargains on some really good wines and some
> of the discounts are good enough so that you can try something to see
> if you like it.....but beware, if you really like it and it's fallen
> off the site, it's gone.
> you just sign up for the email alerts and they send you an email every
> time the selection changes.
> Once in a while they have what they call Cheapskate Wednesday and the
> discounts
> are so good that the wines go from $6.95 to around $19.95 depending on
> the wine.
> If you like wine this is a great place to stock up your cellar.
It's a bummer only having one wine at a time.
I used to be subscribed to quite a few wine sites here... but have
gradually kicked them off now that I don't/can't drink wine anymore.
I was also on the mailing list for a few wineries, and one that I used
quite regularly called me up about 9 months after my op, wanting to tell
me about the great deal they had knowing that I would have grabbed a
couple of cases..... as I had done quite often in the past.
I was talking to the wine rep, as we had 'known' each other for about 6
years, and told her what had happened. She ended up crying!!
I still don't know if it was because of what happened to me, or the fact
that she had lost a great customer!! :-)
I know another person who is quite hapy that I don't order anymore
wine..... my postie!!
He was sick of lugging 10 or so cases of wine at a time up the stairs!!
I should sell off the wine I have left in stock..........!!
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I'm back on the laptop
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