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Default Cooking with red wine

sf > wrote in newsl88m79u7fhilrnp892hk685nqh83u3jad@

> On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 15:37:58 -0700, Christine Dabney
> > wrote:
>> On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 14:57:12 -0700 (PDT), merryb >
>> wrote:
>> >Have you tried cooking with the red you like? I've always heard that
>> >you shouldn't cook with something you wouldn't drink.

>> Exactly. Cook with a red that you find drinkable.. You may be
>> cooking with red wines that really aren't very good anyway, and if you
>> find one that is good and drinkable, that is one that you might want
>> to consider using. If it is not good to begin with, all of that will
>> come out in your dish. This may mean that you need to consider more
>> expensive red wines, but it doesn't need to break the bank.

> I had the conversation with my DD last week. I use a red I didn't
> want to drink in a bourguignon... and she gave me that line about
> using a wine you'd drink. I told her that expression started so that
> people wouldn't use cooking (salted) wine, not because you should cook
> with expensive wine. Maybe you don't want to drink that $8 bottle of
> wine with your meal, but that doesn't mean it's not suitable for
> cooking your stew.

Exactly........ at the end of the day, when the dish is cooked, most of the
wine is cooked down, and once that is done, unless you start with a bottle
that tastes like a 'dead wet dog'..... you'll end up with the same flavour
whether you used an $8 bottle, or an $80 bottle.

There was *NO WAY IN THIS FREAKIN WORLD* that I would have used a bottle of
my Kaesler 'Bogan' to make a red wine casserole!!!

However, I'd never resort to 'cooking wine'.
