On Mar 17, 12:06*pm, Chemo the Clown > wrote:
> On Mar 17, 9:30*am, Bryan > wrote:
> >http://www.sierranevada.com/beers/cans.html
> > Good beer in cans! *This is long overdue. *If Sierra Nevada was a
> > public corporation, I'd be talking to Chuck. *This is big. *Very big.
> > Now it's time for Modelo to start putting the Negra in cans.
> > --Bryan
> I think beer in bottles is much better.
It has been because you couldn't get good beer in cans. Cans are very
convenient, and it is against the law to bring glass onto Missouri's
waterways. I imagine there are similar laws in a lot of other states
as well. Cans are lighter when full, and way lighter when empty.
They get cold much faster too. Plus, aluminum blocks 100% of light.
I drink very little beer these days, especially high carb beer like SN
Pale Ale, but I'll make exceptions for paddling and camping.