Thread: Food Contest!
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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Food Contest!

z z wrote:

> Winner earns our admiration :-)
> Only one rule-don't read anyone else's reply before replying with your
> own idea. Tag, you're it!
> My latest Food Network magazine has a contest for readers that sounded
> quite fun. I am not sure how the tv show works-I think cooks are allowed
> to use the standard supplies of a well stocked kitchen-oil butter cream
> spices flour sugar etc to make their plate from the four secret
> ingredients??
> READY SET GO! Chefs-here are your four ingredients:
> 1. chicken
> 2. peanut butter
> 3. sauerkraut
> 4. frozen cherries

Cut up chicken and sprinkle with kosher salt. Let it sit so the salt
sinks in.

Heat oil in a pot for deep-frying.

Heat water and salt in a deep pot.

Blend peanut butter with tapioca maltodextrin. Put resulting powder into
two different bowls. Add cayenne and garlic powder to one of the bowls.
Break an egg into a third bowl, add a bit of water, and beat until
mostly smooth. Slice a big onion and separate into rings. Dip the
prettiest half of the rings into seasoned bowl of peanut-butter powder,
then into the egg wash, then into the unseasoned bowl of peanut-butter
powder. Allow to dry on a rack for a few minutes.

Clean out the blender and blend the sauerkraut, cherries, and remaining
(ugly) onion rings together. Taste mixture and adjust sweet-sour balance
with either sugar or white vinegar. If needed, add enough water to make
a sauce consistency. Put mixture into a saucepan and simmer gently to
combine and reduce.

Slice a cabbage into ribbons and put into the pot with the salted water.
Start cooking: You'll have to keep an eye on it and remove it when it's

Heat clarified butter in an oven-proof skillet and sear chicken, then
put skillet into a 350°F oven to finish cooking chicken.

When cabbage is crisp-tender, drain and toss with butter and black
pepper. Arrange as the "bed" on a service plate.

Deep-fry the breaded onion rings. Remove to a rack for cooling.

Remove chicken pan from oven, and remove chicken to a holding plate
tented with foil. Pour off most of the fat from the pan, then deglaze
with the cherry-sauerkraut sauce, using a wooden spoon to scrape up the
brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Whisk in about half a stick of
cold butter to make a glossy sauce.

Place chicken on top of the cabbage on the plate. Spoon sauce over
chicken. Arrange onion rings on top.
