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notbob notbob is offline
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Default A very happy think for USA folks who like beer

On 2012-03-18, gregz > wrote:

> Pour them out and taste test. Those are pretty cans.

I'm surprised SN is taking up the ball so late. Many beers having
been changing to cans, both in the US and in EU. Bitbuger has had
16oz 4-paks for some time. More than a couple local beers here in CO,
including IPAs, have been showing up on shelves in cans. I think the
can vs bottle thing for beer is a lot like the cork vs screw-on cap
situation for wines. Hard to break tradition and convince buyers to

As for cold beer, you are dead on. Ice cold beer is for the
flavoerless canoe beers the mega-swill brewers make. You can't drink
that stuff warm. Good micro-brewed ales, OTOH, blosom at warmer
temps, at least above 40F. Granted, lagers are better cold, but ice
cold is no way to serve an good ale.


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