A very happy think for USA folks who like beer
Alan Holbrook wrote:
> Bryan > wrote:
>> It has been because you couldn't get good beer in cans. Cans are very
>> convenient,
Kegs are cans. Plenty of home brewers and other beer hobbyists even
have keg-erators at home. Just sayin'.
>> and it is against the law to bring glass onto Missouri's
>> waterways. I imagine there are similar laws in a lot of other states
>> as well. Cans are lighter when full, and way lighter when empty.
>> They get cold much faster too. Plus, aluminum blocks 100% of light.
>> I drink very little beer these days, especially high carb beer like SN
>> Pale Ale, but I'll make exceptions for paddling and camping.
On the other hand the equipment to can is much more expensive and
industrial than the equipment to bottle. The majors are capable of
canning because of thier industrial size. Amount of beer produced
correlated negatively with been quality. It's the majors who make the
canoe beers.
> The part about "they get cold much faster too" is a non-starter. Beer
> should be consumed at cellar temperature to appreciate the flavor.
I'll offer a different take on this. If you taste a beer at room
temperature and you don't like it, that's not a beer you should be
drinking. Life is too short for crappy beer (says this beer snob). But
once you know that brand is good at any temperature feel free to have to
> The
> idea of ice cold beer was started by the mass market breweries so the
> first gulp would chill the taste buds to the point where you couldn't
> tell you were drinking bad beer. Next time you pick up a six of your
> favorite brand, put one aside in a cool, dark place for a while and give
> it a try. It might surprise you.
Exactly. Beer was made for millennia before refrigeration was invented.
The stuff had to taste good without being cold back then. So have one
not chilled and see. There are *plenty* of beers that taste great not
refrigerated and those brands taste every bit as good refrigerated as