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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Posts: 3,415
Default Hangover Food (for merryb)!

Sqwertz wrote:
> Doug Freyburger wrote:
>> It also greatly reduced a hangover to go for a walk of several miles
>> before turning in.

> When I'm really drunk a walk of several miles is only about 500 yards
> (as the crow flies) the way I walk.

Back in my single days I tended to drink at a pub that was over a mile
from home. I'd leave my car and walk. The walk home was extremely
long. The walk back to my car in the morning after sobering up and
having vitamins and plenty of water was fairly brief. As you say the
mileage on my legs was a lot less walking back there the next day as

Best hangover cure - Continue to grow up. Decide that a part of the
growing up experience is drink holds less and less interest. Get to the
point where a hangover doesn't happen any more. Okay, not as often
anyways. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.