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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Hangover Food (for merryb)!

On Mar 19, 12:50*pm, Doug Freyburger > wrote:

> Best hangover cure - Continue to grow up. *Decide that a part of the
> growing up experience is drink holds less and less interest. *Get to the
> point where a hangover doesn't happen any more. *Okay, not as often
> anyways. *an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I agree, but it's always good to hang onto a few bad habits. For
example, one day you wake up feeling really bad, so you give up
drinking and you start feeling better. Another time you wake up tired
and out of breath, so you give up smoking, and in a little while you
start to feel better. Another time you wake up feeling weak and worn
down, so you join a gym and start working out, and soon you start
feeling better. Then one day you wake up feeling like total crap, but
you don't have any bad habits left to give up - that's when you know
you've reached the end of the line.