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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Posts: 10,546
Default Cooking with red wine

"MaryL" > wrote:
>"Brooklyn1" wrote in message
.. .
>"MaryL" > wrote:
>>"Brooklyn1" wrote in message
. ..
>>You didn't trim the
>>attributions here either, I did it for you... and don't insert those
>>silly arrows either, just looks like so much schmutz and as more folks
>>respond and it gets messy it will make it more difficult to follow who
>>said what. Very few posters here neaten their posts anymore.
>>The reason I am inserting the arrows is that my news reader refuses to use
>>markers to show information that is being quoted. I used to insert several
>>dashes divided by spaces (- - - - - -). That looks neater, but someone
>>complained that their newsreader "read" that as the marker that is often
>>placed above a signature at the end of a message. I realize that what I
>>really need to do is find a better newsreader, but I still haven't gotten
>>around to that. I don't like the looks of the arrows I use, either, but
>>it's my "workaround" to separate quoted text from new text.

>Seems you're using someone elses computer; stancole1@yahoo.
>I found for a newsreader Forte Agent works well.
>No, I'm not using someone else's computer. This is my own computer, and
>that is the same email that I have used for newsgroups for quite some time.
>The "invalid" part of my address is intended to reduce the possibility of
>spam (that is, of people harvesting addresses and sending all sorts of
>junk). Anyone personally looking at that address can easily eliminate
>"invalid" and come up with the same address as you listed.

I did say "seems". I just thought it odd that someome who signs MaryL
would choose stancole1 as an email address... I never paid attention
to your info previously... just forget I said anything about it. Still
Forte Agent works well as a newsreader, and you won't need to doctor
your attributions anymore which will help immensely at keeping who
wrote what straight. Even I who is no computer maven had no problem
with the set up and navigating about, I probably use a minimum of
Forte Agent's features and I'm not one to do much
investigating/exploring with software lest I can't find my way back,
but it works well for my needs... I especially like that I can arrange
the fonts, colors, and layout to make it easy on my eyes. I pay about
$30/month which I feel is worth not having to deal with the hassles
and time wasting associated with the free newsreaders. Think about