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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Hangover Food (for merryb)!

On Mar 19, 9:07*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:

> Apparently you don't read very well.

> There's a difference between a simple hangover and alcohol addiction.
> If you get the shakes, then that's addiction (along with any possible
> hangover)

I read well enough and I saw what you said about hydration and I
never disagreed that it's a help. I'm saying it or nothing else is
going to "cure" a real hangover. You're right, I have gone through
withdrawals a few times. But even before that I got hangovers that
nearly sent me to the hospital. In fact, I did go to the hospital a
few times. I wouldn't say my hangovers were always addiction or
withdrawal related, I'd say that many came from more than one day of
drinking though. I believe it would be the same for anybody, even one
who is not yet addicted - that if they drank two or more days the
hangover would be worse. In fact, I can't tell you the number of
times I started drinking upon awakening simply because I didn't want
to face the hangover. But all it did was result in another drunken
day. Each new day I'd put the hangover in the bank to collect
interest. Yep, the longer you drink the worse you're hangover is
going to be.

Read this!