On 2012-03-20, pavane > wrote:
> Curry is actually plant whose leaves are used as a spice. However,
> the term has come to mean any dish that uses a combination of spices.
> As someone else mentioned, your term "curry" is too vague, like asking
> for a good soup or meat recipe. I would suggest checking out some of
> the books by Madhur Jaffrey.
Your statement about the plant, of which there is an edible and
inedble plant, is as misleading and vague as the facts about the food
"curry". I jes made a Moroccan tagine and the term "curry" is nowhere
to be found, but I'll gar-own-damn-tee you it's a curry jes the same.
Let's stick to the OPs question about a curry --the food/sauce/etc--
and leave the much mailigned and almost impossible to prove
history/etymology of the term out of it.
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