Thread: Curry?
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Curry?

On 20/03/2012 5:16 PM, pavane wrote:
the books by Madhur Jaffrey.
>> Your statement about the plant, of which there is an edible and
>> inedble plant, is as misleading and vague as the facts about the food
>> "curry". I jes made a Moroccan tagine and the term "curry" is nowhere
>> to be found, but I'll gar-own-damn-tee you it's a curry jes the same.
>> Let's stick to the OPs question about a curry --the food/sauce/etc--
>> and leave the much mailigned and almost impossible to prove
>> history/etymology of the term out of it.
>> nb

> Be careful of your attributions. I did not write what
> you attributed to me in the above quote, the
> person writing as "helpful Person" wrote it. I wrote
> two responsed later, recommending the Madhur
> Jaffrey books and giving the Amazon pages for them.

In fairness to nb, and your response to the unhelpful person, the
formatting makes it look like your words.