The Biggest Loser
On 22/03/2012 1:23 AM, Bryan wrote:
> On Mar 21, 9:05 am, John > wrote:
>> On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 15:36:48 +0200, ChattyCathy
>> > wrote:
>>> On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 05:59:10 -0700, Bryan wrote:
>>>> On Mar 21, 7:16 am, John > wrote:
>>>>> I am a medical professional Bryan.
>>>> No. You're not. You merely have the license and degree to be "a
>>>> medical professional."
>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>> --Bryan
>>> Huh? When I used to participate here on a regular basis, you two were "Big
>>> Buddies"? What did I miss?
>> You missed Bryan being a patent asshole to me here on RFC. And since
>> our "friendship" had diminished to almost nothing at this point in our
>> lives anyway, I decided to end it, finally.
> You started it, John. I merely escalated it, and I had better
> material to work with. And it was perfectly germane to turn the
> subject to your failed career, since your insults were medically
> related (OCD, fatty acids), and since the reason you can't get a job
> in that career is because you look like a freakin' nutcase to anyone
> who does the kind of internet background checks that pretty much
> always get done for a position like BSN nurse. The past several weeks
> where you kept egging me on have made you look even nuttier. Doing
> self destructive things because you just can't check your own emotions
> is not an attractive attribute.
> So, who's The Biggest Loser?
> Me, 25 pounds in<5 months?
> Or you?
> If you had decent judgement, you would have quit responding to my
> posts weeks ago.
>> John Kuthe...
> --Bryan
Luckily the employers to whom he applied for positions had decent
judgement and rejected his applications. The medical world is now a
little safer.