Thread: Green beans
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Green beans

Bryan wrote:
> On Mar 21, 7:16 am, John Kuthe > wrote:
> >
> >
> > I am a medical professional Bryan.

> No. You're not. You merely have the license and degree to be "a
> medical professional."

Well, that's more than I've got. "Professional" ppl can be unemployed too.
It's kind of low to pick on someone going through hard times. That's like
the lifeguard at the beach stealing your girlfriend then kicking sand in
your face before he walks away with her. >:-o

I've got a mere Associates degree in Business Administration and I'm
painting houses for a living right now. All of the other guys are
high-school dropouts (and druggies). It works for me now pays
the bills. That said though, an Associates degree doesn't do much for
you anyway these days.

Any work is honorable work and no one should look down on even the lowliest
From the movie, Caddyshack, "The world needs ditchdiggers."

The people that I look down on (and I know one) are those that get layed off
and milk the unemployment until it runs out....rather than go out and find a
new job. I could have gone on partial unemployment this past winter but I
wasn't brought up that way. I went out and found my own work to keep me
going until the company work picked up again.

The other guy (and he got layed off back in July) has sat on his ass all
this time and drew unemployment while watching daytime television. We
talked a couple of weeks ago and I mentioned that if company work doesn't
pick back up soon I might go back into business for myself. His answer:
"Why would you do that? You'll lose all your unemployment benefits and
payments. "

sheez! Gary