Thread: Green beans
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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Green beans

On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:33:29 -0400, Goomba >
>Exactly how many times have you used that BLS? Did you know that the
>housekeepers, unit secretary and other unlicensed employees at the
>hospital also have a BLS card?

I'ver used it exactly 0 times so far. Which is good. But I've had the
training twice now, and that puts me far above anyone who has NOT has
the training and you know it.

>Try to impress us when you've got at least an ACLS card *and* some first
>hand experience in doing those compressions and pushing those drugs.....
>As to your "professionalism"-IME new grad nurses are wet behind the ear
>for at least a year after working (full time/same job). If you piece
>together all the time and various jobs you've worked as an RN since
>graduation will they even add up to be half a year?

I know. I in every way still feel like a newly graduated nurse,
almost. And I know I can't hold a candle to you old experienced nurses
who have been in so mnay different situations over yoru careers. I'd
home to learn from your experioence rathert than have to laud of over
me haughtily while giving me NO change to learn from you! But I guess
you were trained as a nurse back in the "Nurses eat their young" days!

John Kuthe...