Thread: Green beans
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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default Green beans

On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 15:47:07 GMT, "I'm back on the laptop"
> wrote:
>This sanctimonious crap about lights, and feelings of peace, and seeing
>passed loved ones is complete and utter bullshit!!
>I've (clinically) died 4 times in my life....... and there was nothing.
>None of this 'going to the light' bullshit, or 'leaving my body'.
>It's all hysterical crap made up by those who can't handle reality.
>When you die, you die........ and it's not always a 'wonderful' experience.

Wow! What stuff have you been though which allowed you to have "I've
(clinically) died 4 times in my life" and you are still here?

I can't say anything about what one's subjective experience of death
is like. But as a nurse who has cared for "actively dying" patients, I
can assess them for pain or anxiety via their exhibited behaviors and
I can treat that pain and/or anxiety to alleviate it. And that's what
I do.

John Kuthe...