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notbob notbob is offline
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Default [OT] Facebook copyright insanity

On 2012-03-24, jmcquown > wrote:

> Let's just say I am not participating in Facebook. I had an account, got a
> gazillion people popping up who wanted to be my friends (or "liked" or
> whatever it's called) that I didn't know simply based on the fact I knew a
> few people. I decided it's not the medium for me. I don't care what kind
> of goofy agreements they try to get people to sign, it has no legal
> standing.

Are you ppl obtuse?

Here's how it works. They send out a cease and desist notice (C&D).
You c&d or not. Your choice. If not, they file a lawsuit against
you. You answer the lawsuit or not. If not, there could be a
monetary judgement and/or fines levied against you in your absence.
If yes, you will need to hire an attorney to advocate on your behalf.
All of this costs $$$$!!! If you could just ingnore it, EVERYBODY
WOULD! Freakin' DUH!! Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. Last
option, capitulate and/or settle out of court. Most likely, an out of
court settlement will involve you paying the litigant $$$$, which is
the whole point.

Copyright trolls have done this to everyone from huge coprorations to
little old ladies, nine year old kids, and dead people! They don't
expect you to fight it, but to settle to avoid huge legal costs. Even
large corporations typically settle rather than fight, knowing they
will save money in the long run.

You think you can ignore it if it happens to you? Silly you.


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