How to identify GMO food at the supermarket...if you care to.
On Mar 24, 2:40*pm, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 12:17:38 -0700 (PDT), ImStillMags
> > wrote:
> >Most consumers realize that the FDA does not require genetically
> >modified food to be labeled. That’s because the FDA has decided that
> >you, dear consumer, don’t care if the tomato you’re eating has been
> >cross bred with frog genes to render the tomato more resistant to cold
> >weather. Some consumers may not be concerned with eating Frankenfood,
> >but for those who are, here’s how to determine if the fruits and
> >vegetables you’re buying are (GM) genetically modified.
> >I say healthy, buy or grow organic wherever you can.
> I don't know. *How different is GMA compared to the cross breeding
> that has been done for centuries already? *We have nectarines don't
> we?
> Lots of strange things we eat here
> Boysenberry is a cross between blackberry, loganberry and raspberry.
> It's a very large bramble fruit with large seeds. The fruit is in deep
> maroon color. It turns black when it ripes.
> Here's a tasty tidbit
> Did you know the domestic pig is unnatural, it is a product of
> science. *The modern pig or swine are known to have been developed by
> the great scientist named Imhotep AKA Aesculapius the father of
> science and medicine. *He crossbred the animal for king Zoser in KMT
> AKA Egypt to eat the garbage and the dead bodies after wars.
There is a difference in cross breeding plants for hardiness and
introducing genetic material from
animals, reptiles, etc. To me it is no longer a fruit or a plant,
it is now something whose genetic make up is not necessarily something
I want to put in my body. We don't know the long term consequences
of eating a fruit or vegetable that has been 'frankenfied'.