On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 20:44:38 -0400, George M. Middius
> wrote:
>l, not -l wrote:
>>> Um, careful there... moose burgers are next! hehe
>>While grocery shopping on Thursday, I saw one-pound packages of ground elk
>>in the meat case, right next to the one-pound ground bison packages. I'll
>>keep an eye out for moose 8-)
>um... Moose is elk. Elk is moose. Same animal, different names.
>Doesn't Sarah Palin slaughter moose regularly?
It depends which country is naming the animals. In North America,
specifically, Elk is one animal and Moose is another. They do not
even remotely look alike. I was watching a wildlife program just last
week where they kept calling our 'moose' an elk.
North American Elk
North American Moose
Janet US