Thread: Help, Pot Roast
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JeanineAlyse JeanineAlyse is offline
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Default Help, Pot Roast

On Mar 25, 9:04*pm, "Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> Well the cuts of meat used for that dish tend to not have a whole lot of
> flavor. *So what happens is the seasonings mellow out and meld together
> sometimes giving a flat taste. *That's why you need something like balsamic
> vinegar to help keep the piquancy. *Red wine works too.

Exactly, left-overs have a flat taste as though not seasoned at all.
Adding a "piquant" to the initial roasting sounds like a good thing,
thanks. I use a not too lean, heavily seasoned chuck roast and cannot
imagine balsamic added to the mix, though a light red wine sounds like
a good add.