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Default Not all Supermarket Clerks are Stupid :) and Walmart

Grismalkin wrote:
>> From: oQspam:
>>> The young man at the grocery checkout surprised me by (a) knowing
>>> what an 'unmarked' bundle of kale was and (b) looked at my yellow
>>> squash and zucchini and said, "Oh, grilled squash - slice it(snipped)

>> You had better luck than we did at Costco last night. Buying major
>> packages of chicken breasts & steaks for BBQ on the 4th...were a bit
>> drippy, so I'd put
>> them in plastic bags. Caught the clerk trying to slide other food

>> NT

> Sadly enough here, with the unemployment rate, we have seen more and
> more checkers who are older and might have lost their jobs in
> management at some companies. They tend to be very nice to talk to
> and know their produce, unlike some teens who are more interested in
> talking to the bagger on the next aisle.

I hate when that happens. Yeah, discuss your plans for Friday night; ignore
the customer standing right in front of you.

My father actually suggested (rather rudely, as he doesn't approve of what
I'm doing at the moment, which is neither here nor there) I apply at Walmart
*if* the benefits are comparable to those from my former employer. Know
what? I'd make better money back in the restaurant business than I would in
retail. (No offense intended to you.)

Having been under-paid in
> retail for years, I feel for these people. I worked for KMart for
> about 5 years. They didn't treat employees too nice there. The
> customers didn't treat us too nice, either.

Heh. What goes around comes around. Karma and all that.

On my trip to Kansas, ate breakfast a couple of mornings at Waid's in
Prairie Village. John said to me, you'll like this waiter, just wait and
see. Indeed; after *one* breakfast, the next day the man said to me: "Good
morning! You take your coffee black, no cream, and you would like the eggs
soft scrambled, wheat toast and two strips of bacon." Exactamundo and

I was a very good server and had repeat (call) customers, including a former
mayor of Shelby County, TN. But I don't know if I could recall what someone
ordered after only one meal, shell it out by rote and then say, "Or would
you prefer something else?"

John tells me this guy has been working there forever. John has been doing
that art show nearly 20 years (if the jury lets him in). This guy is a
professional server. *Obviously* very good at what he does.
