Wine packaging is changing
Ed Pawlowski > wrote in
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 13:37:01 -0700 (PDT), ImStillMags
> > wrote:
>>On Mar 26, 10:00*am, "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:
>>I would prefer a lighter weight glass over plastic any day.
>>And.....I would be just as happy if every winemaker went to screw tops.
> Same here. The snob appeal of the cork is the only thing really
> preventing it. You can get some decent wines now that have a screw
> top, but it will be decades coming for a major change.
Most Aussie wines are doing the shift to screwcaps. Even the 'flagship'
wines like Penfolds.
Screwcaps = nil spoilage, which equates to less $$'s lost for the wineries,
and means your wine is *always* good when you crack the seal.
I used to be a 'cork' guy, but now prefer the screwcaps.
It makes it easier to crack one for the SO :-)