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pure kona[_2_] pure kona[_2_] is offline
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Default Bar stools for cats.

On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 18:52:35 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:03:45 -0400, (ms. tonya)
>> wrote:
(Julie Bove) claiming:
>>>> I have been having trouble with my little cat getting
>>>> on the counters and even on the stove! For obvious
>>>> reasons I do not want her there. Her mom has
>>>> never gotten up there AFAIK. But the other day, mom
>>>> discovered the bar stool. She hopped up there. Then the
>>>> baby wanted up there but they both wouldn't fit. So
>>>> today we bought another bar stool. They don't match but
>>>> both are the colors of the kitchen and the one
>>>> we got today is open at the bottom so my
>>>> step stool can tuck underneath.
>>>> Anyway... They are both super happy now. They can sit
>>>> up on them and watch us cook which is all
>>>> they wanted to do to begin with. They were both
>>>> smiling and purring. And the baby hasn't gotten on the
>>>> counter since!----------------------------------------------
>>> I never would let pets in my kitchen period, my 2 late cats of 17
>>> years were trained from day one kitchen was off limits even the
>>> stool I had in corner now training new cat same rules.
>>> Risk of pets getting hurt is to high

>> Cats are amazingly adept at avoiding being hurt inside a house, they
>> know their way about far better than you do, and it's easy to cat
>> proof the danger zones, far easier than to child proof a house.
>>> especially in a very small one plus
>>> the risk you getting hurt with fur balls under your feet. And the
>>> thought of fur in the air getting in the food turns my stomach.

>> Where are your cats kept that their hair can't travel in the air
>> throughout your entire abode? If you don't want to live with your
>> pets then you shouldn't have pets... they'd be happier without you
>> too.

>Indeed. Our current cats shed very little. Mom appears to be a black
>Siamese. Very short, sleek fur. Baby is a brown tabby and her fur is
>sparse but feels slightly fluffier. Still really on the short side. Our
>old brown tabby had slightly longer and much thicker fur all over and very
>thick, long fur on the tummy. A brushing session for her this time of year
>would yield enough fur to cover a young kitten. And yet even with her I did
>not ever find wads of fur in various places. The one dog that we had would
>leave wads of fur. And if she sat on my lap there would be fur all over me
>when she got up. I have never gotten fur on me from my cats except perhaps
>when they go to the vet. They will shed like mad there!

We have 2 bar stools in an open concept type kitchen. They both jump
up on them to drink from the watering can on the counter, although we
have 2 watering things with flow and filters that hum 24/7 in other
rooms. Cats for you!
