Thread: Storing bread
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Default Storing bread

On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 20:00:44 -0500, "Fred" >

>I don't know about your bread but my bread is usually stale in about 6-8
>hours after it comes out of the oven. Never liked the taste of
>preservatives. Freezing is the only way toI know of to keep bread for week
>without staling.

Hi Fred,

I know nothing about the chemistry of staling, but I do know that my
breads are fine for 4-5 days (at least.)

I also know that Lionel Poilne often said that he believed that his
breads were at their best of taste and texture three days after they
were baked.

In both cases, I am describing lean breads... Nothing in 'em but
flour, water, salt, and culture.

All the best,


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