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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Bar stools for cats.

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 23:29:14 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Julie Bove wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 21:03:45 -0400, (ms. tonya)
>>> wrote:
(Julie Bove) claiming:
>>>>> I have been having trouble with my little cat getting
>>>>> on the counters and even on the stove! For obvious
>>>>> reasons I do not want her there. Her mom has
>>>>> never gotten up there AFAIK. But the other day, mom
>>>>> discovered the bar stool. She hopped up there. Then the
>>>>> baby wanted up there but they both wouldn't fit. So
>>>>> today we bought another bar stool. They don't match but
>>>>> both are the colors of the kitchen and the one
>>>>> we got today is open at the bottom so my
>>>>> step stool can tuck underneath.
>>>>> Anyway... They are both super happy now. They can sit
>>>>> up on them and watch us cook which is all
>>>>> they wanted to do to begin with. They were both
>>>>> smiling and purring. And the baby hasn't gotten on the
>>>>> counter since!----------------------------------------------
>>>> I never would let pets in my kitchen period, my 2 late cats of 17
>>>> years were trained from day one kitchen was off limits even the
>>>> stool I had in corner now training new cat same rules.
>>>> Risk of pets getting hurt is to high
>>> Cats are amazingly adept at avoiding being hurt inside a house, they
>>> know their way about far better than you do, and it's easy to cat
>>> proof the danger zones, far easier than to child proof a house.
>>>> especially in a very small one plus
>>>> the risk you getting hurt with fur balls under your feet. And the
>>>> thought of fur in the air getting in the food turns my stomach.
>>> Where are your cats kept that their hair can't travel in the air
>>> throughout your entire abode? If you don't want to live with your
>>> pets then you shouldn't have pets... they'd be happier without you
>>> too.

>> Indeed. Our current cats shed very little. Mom appears to be a black
>> Siamese. Very short, sleek fur. Baby is a brown tabby and her fur is
>> sparse but feels slightly fluffier. Still really on the short side. Our
>> old brown tabby had slightly longer and much thicker fur all over and very
>> thick, long fur on the tummy. A brushing session for her this time of year
>> would yield enough fur to cover a young kitten. And yet even with her I did
>> not ever find wads of fur in various places. The one dog that we had would
>> leave wads of fur. And if she sat on my lap there would be fur all over me
>> when she got up. I have never gotten fur on me from my cats except perhaps
>> when they go to the vet. They will shed like mad there!

>I seem to recall that stress can do that.

Humans shed when stressed too, hair and skin... some even wet their
pants. LOL The only people who complain about pet hair are those who
are slobs themselves... if one dusts/vacuums their abode and brushes
their pets regularly there will be very little pet hair. My cats can
go wherever they want, they have free reign of the house, naturally
they sleep in my bed, that's how we like it. And cats belong in the
kitchen, their main job is to protect the food from vermin.
The cat's cradle:
Mice, what mice: