Kitchen is clean and de-cluttered!
On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 18:25:03 -0400, Jim Elbrecht >
> On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 11:02:25 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 07:02:52 -0400, Jim Elbrecht >
> >wrote:
> >
> >> I can vouch for the Ninja.
> >
> >How small is small? The blades look like it works like a food
> >processor. I've been thinking about replacing my well used cheapie
> >mini-processor because the blades aren't as sharp as they used to be,
> >which doesn't matter when I make dressing and it still chops garlic in
> >a snap, but I don't think it works as well on leaves anymore.
> I'd guess that total volume is just under 3 cups. It is the ideal
> size for a can of beans, some garlic, oil & a 1/4 of a preserved
> lemon.<g>
> OTOH- it will practically scrape off the bottom so a clove of garlic
> will emulsify in a couple tbls of oil.
> [just checked it- 2 1/2 cups is full. 3 tbls of liquid covers the
> bottom blade]
> BTW-- the first one I got had 2 'vessels'. The one in the basement
> has 3 & I see Target sells a 3 'vessel' one. Not sure if the little
> ones are the same volume as mine.
Thanks for the info, Jim! 2-3 cups is fine. I'd be interested in
just a small one all by itself and if that was impossible, I'd move up
to the twofer. Too bad about Target, that's where I was thinking
about looking for one.
I see the Ninja Express is $25 (with shipping included) if I order
online from Walmart. Not happy about supporting Walmart, so I'll look
a little further - but $25 was the "number" I had in mind when I
googled so they hit my sweet spot. Before I order online, I'll call a
couple of local place to see what they have and for how much.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.