Thread: Isn't it ironic
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Nancy Young
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Default Isn't it ironic

PENMART01 wrote:
> >Nancy Young writes:

> >Backing up, when we went to place our order,

> Hmm, along it's been I, I, I, (14 times) Aye, Aye, Aye... so was all prepared
> for a follow-up to the 'dining alone' thread, and here you toss in a
> monkey-WE-wrench. Just an observation, we've no question.

You needed to take your cue when I said, I *really* didn't want to go
out to dinner. If I had my druthers, I would have been sound asleep.
I often use I when it's we, but this post had nothing to do with we.
All me. I I I. mememememe! My favorite song, healthy self esteem.

> the guy said, there is
> >food right behind you, I guess like a happy hour thing. Thanks, I
> >think I need a real plate of food. I didn't say that, but you know
> >how that happy hour spread can be. I wandered over to see if they
> >had maybe some salad or something, what to my wondering eyes should
> >appear? I coulda saved like $13! Peppardelle bolognese! Learned
> >me to be a snob.

> Hmm, back to the I, I, I (six more times)... 'we' died. Anyway, what's the
> point of the story... other than the order taker being largely remiss in not
> apprising you of the essentially free peppardelle bolognese.

It was just a little joke, no point. No solutions needed, nothing
wrong, just ... look at that, I coulda had my dinner for free. So
what. Besides, would have taken maybe 2 or 3 trips to get as much
as I managed to get down. Not my idea of a good time.

Sometimes a story is just a story.

nancy (you do know I've been married for a lotta years, no?)