Thread: Isn't it ironic
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Default Isn't it ironic

> Nancy Young writes:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> >Nancy Young writes:

>> >Backing up, when _we_ went to place our order,

>> Hmm, it's been I, I, I, (14 times) Aye, Aye, Aye... so was all

>> for a follow-up to the 'dining alone' thread, and here you toss in a
>> monkey-WE-wrench. Just an observation, we've no question.

>You needed to take your cue when I said, I *really* didn't want to go
>out to dinner. If I had my druthers, I would have been sound asleep.
>I often use I when it's we, but this post had nothing to do with we.
>All me. I I I. mememememe! My favorite song, healthy self esteem.

I really don't get it (how all those I's can mean we) but you did say "we" (one
time), which is what I found confounding.


>It was just a little joke, no point. No solutions needed, nothing
>wrong, just ... look at that, I coulda had my dinner for free. So
>what. Besides, would have taken maybe 2 or 3 trips to get as much
>as I managed to get down. Not my idea of a good time.
>Sometimes a story is just a story.
>nancy (you do know I've been married for a lotta years, no?)

No, I really didn't know that... how could I know, to my memory you've never
posted that bit of info and in all these years we've never once swapped email.
I was truely under the impression that you were single and from some long ago
posts that you possessed the bestest biggest breasts of all the trollops... now
I'm disappointed that they're, I mean you're taken. Live and learn. <g>

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