Isn't it ironic
PENMART01 wrote:
> > Nancy Young writes:
> >You needed to take your cue when I said, I *really* didn't want to go
> >out to dinner. If I had my druthers, I would have been sound asleep.
> >I often use I when it's we, but this post had nothing to do with we.
> >All me. I I I. mememememe! My favorite song, healthy self esteem.
> >(laugh)
> I really don't get it (how all those I's can mean we) but you did say "we" (one
> time), which is what I found confounding.
I reread my original post, I didn't use I when I meant we once. He
ordered a margerita pizza, it looked great. Had nothing to do with
my little story.
> >nancy (you do know I've been married for a lotta years, no?)
> No, I really didn't know that... how could I know, to my memory you've never
> posted that bit of info and in all these years we've never once swapped email.
Now, that's completely wrong. I haven't swapped emailed with you a
lot, but most certainly more than once.
> I was truely under the impression that you were single
I guess you missed when Jill wished me a happy 20th anniversary in
April 2003. That's okay, it has zip to do with rfc.