Isn't it ironic
> Nancy Young wrote:
>I reread my original post, I didn't use I when I meant we once.
Geeze, I'm good but I'm not a mind reader.
>> >nancy (you do know I've been married for a lotta years, no?)
>> No, I really didn't know that... how could I know, to my memory you've
>> posted that bit of info and in all these years we've never once swapped
>Now, that's completely wrong. I haven't swapped emailed with you a
>lot, but most certainly more than once.
Well, I should've said *personal* email... I'm sure I've sent recipes,
technical info and such to most everyone at one time or another, but that's not
anything I'd recall. At one point it was common for one to forward a copy of a
post to whoever one was replying to when it involved pertinent cooking info...
to my knowlege that practice seems to have ceased... at least I no longer see
"posted and emailed" in the posts... but then again the majority of posts have
degraded to the point where very little on topic info is discussed anymore, too
>> I was truly under the impression that you were single
>I guess you missed when Jill wished me a happy 20th anniversary in
>April 2003. That's okay, it has zip to do with rfc.
I suppose I missed that one post from a year ago. Hmm, 20th, and you're 37...
that means your first marriage must have been quite fleeting... I guess I can't
really use that old adage with you about youth being wasted on the young.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."