McDonalds getting sued over coffee again
On 02/04/2012 12:00 PM, Doug Freyburger wrote:
> That is indeed how I have McDonald's coffee these days. One guy at work
> gets a combo but he doesn't want the coffee. The cup magically appears
> on my desk in the morning rather than throwing it out. I wait several
> hours for it to reach acceptable temperature then drink it.
Hours? It would be room temperature within about a half hour.
> it does not
> compare against the coffee I have at home but I'm not fussy about coffee
> with respect to flavor, just with respect to it causing pain.
I have not been in a McDs in well over a decade. It was some time
aftervmy last Micky D misadventure that my wife got kicked out of one,
after a couple warnings, because she brought Tim Hortons coffee into the
place to have her scrambled eggs because she hated McD's coffee. It is
my understanding that they made a big effort to improve their coffee,
and I know several people who get it and say it is delicious.