Eternal September
On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 06:46:09 +1000, Krypsis >
>On 4/04/2012 5:29 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 12:25:39 -0700, > wrote:
>>> On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 10:21:34 -0700, > wrote:
>>>> Did anyone else on E-S get a flood of 2-4 day old posts today?
>>> NOT an E-S problem, a Google groups problem (surPRISE!).
>>> They were disconnected for several days, then sent everything at once
>>> when they got reconnected.
>> No surprise there!! That's why I bailed GoogleGroups finally. They
>> suck something incredible!
>> John Kuthe...
>You were, however, a very slow learner! One could say retarded!
>Even when you had good advice re GG, you persevered.
>Worse, you filled RFC up with your bleating messages.
I know, I liked GG's format, originally. Then they changed it, and
YUCK! So I got used to Free Agent's format and presentation.
But I never "filled up" RFC, duh!
John Kuthe...