Kitchen is clean and de-cluttered!
Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Mar 2012 19:29:02 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> What new cookbooks have appealed to you, Christine? I was in B&N
>> a few weeks ago, thinking I'd have a hard time winnowing my wants
>> down. I only went through the Asian section then, and there were
>> no real "must-haves" for me. That is probably a good thing. I
>> thought I'd want the "Asian Tofu"by Andrea Nguyen, but found I
>> could resist that. And I REALLY didn't like Nina Simond's new
>> book (Simple Asian Meals). I need (or don't need) more time to
>> look there.
> Well, I have a huge long wish list on Amazon these days. No money to
> buy any books, but a huge list.
> Francis Mayes has just come out with The Tuscan Sun Cookbook, which I
> really want. I have read her other books and the writing alone can
> make you want to have that food, and to serve it to others.
> I also want The Barcelona Cookbook. No, it is not new, but it is
> calling my name now. For one thing, an old RFC'er (Ninette Enrique)
> highly recommended it to me. She is on the FB group now..and she
> became friends with another old RFC'er, Andy Pforzheimer (he has
> joined the FB group as well). Andy is the co-author of this book, and
> is the co-owner of the Barcelona Restaurants. Well..I was just poking
> along about getting it, and then about a week ago I read that Jeremiah
> Tower sold most of his cookbook collection to Omnivore Books in San
> Francisco. However, he kept a few of his favorites, and The Barcelona
> Cookbook is one of those. Well, I highly admire Jeremiah..and if he
> likes it, I decided it has to go on my short list. Do you already
> have this book? It has been out for a number of years now...
I don't THINK so. I rarely get European books in normal stores
now (meaning I sometimes pick up older ones at various sales). As
we were saying elsewhere, housing the books becomes a problem.
> I have been collecting Nigel Slater lately..and his newest in his
> vegetable/fruit series is coming out next month. I really like his
> writing,plus he does wonderfully simple imaginative food.
I am not sure I have any of his.
> And I love anything by Jacques Pepin. I think I have almost all of
> his books so far..except for one he did near the beginning of his
> teaching career. Essential Pepin is on my list..
I don't know if I have that one. I do have quite a few of his books.
> I like Melissa Clark's books a lot... Do you have any of those?
I don't think so. See! as I have occasionally said, we tend to
get different things, and you have a lot more of the newer books
than I do.
> My newest ones are packed away in my car...and I am trying to remember
> what is in those boxes... The new one by Paula Wolfert is in there,
> which is actually a revised edition of her classic Couscous and Other
> Good Food from Morocco. It is now called The Food of Morocco, I
> think.
Mmmm. Okay. Now I am drooling. (I do have her old book, of
course.) Last time I was in B&N, I only had time to look at the
newer Asian cookbooks. I THOUGHT I'd have to get Nguyen's new
book, Asian Tofu, but I found I could resist it. I could resist
the other ones too. This is good, because I only have one gift
card, so my purchasing at any such venue is pretty restricted.
> Michael Ruhlman has a fairly new one out, called Twenty. It is
> garnering a lot of attention and praise these days..he is up for a
> James Beard award.
Ah yes. That is an interesting book. I just saw it won the ICAP
award in the Technical Category.
Speaking of those awards, I don't think I have even SEEN Tasting
> Oh, and Lisa Fain's book, Homesick Texan is good. It is derived from
> her blog of the same name. She writes well...and her food looks
> very good.
I'll take a peek at her blog.
> My mind is going blank now...I know I have quite a few others that are
> really appealing. Maybe that comes with having all these
> cookbooks...
LOL! That is a laugh of recognition, of course.
> I am going through some of my older ones these days... I pulled out
> Jeremiah Tower's New American Classics and have been enjoying it a
> lot. And I have been delving into some by Richard Olney. Plus a
> ton of others. This is why it is so much fun to keep them around...I
> re-read them for pleasure, and to encourage me to cook other things..
> Christine
Yes, it is a pleasure. BTW, if some of your books have been
packed for a LONG time, opening those boxes and seeing them again
is almost like Christmas!!! (Whispers: I am still doing that.
Yeah. Bookcases are good.)
Jean B.