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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
external usenet poster
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Default Eternal September

On 4/5/2012 12:47 AM, George M. Middius wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>>> What would GG be showing if they DIDN'T connect with the rest of the
>>> worlds news servers??

>> Beats me, it's surprising that they find it worth their while to bother
>> with Usenet.

> I'm sure Google doesn't benefit financially. I think they did it just
> to "give something back", as the expression goes. If the company were
> ever to tumble from its current pinnacle of profitability, they might
> suspend non-paying projects like Usenet.

I think you're right about them dropping Usenet - they do seem to like
to trim their herd of Toys every once in a while.

I recently changed my cell service and initially was using an iPhone
over the Sprint network. The iPhone was not able to transfer my contact
list from my old Android device. I only got about 30% transferred to my
phone. A few days ago, I decided to switch the iPhone for a
Google-Android Motorola Photon 4G phone and was surprised to see my
complete contact list appear on my phone. It seems my old Android phone
backed up the contacts on a Google cloud server. Thanks Google!