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Cindy Fuller[_2_] Cindy Fuller[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 355
Default Recommend Thai, Vietnamese dish

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JeanineAlyse > wrote:

> There is a new Thai & Vietnamese restaurant here that I may want to
> try, but I have no experience with these foods. I do not care for
> foods that are pepper-hot, I find most Chinese dishes too bland, and I
> love most all Japanese dishes I've tried. Based on your own
> favorites, what would you suggest I try at this new place?
> ...Picky

My sister is very picky. When she was here last year, we couldn't get
her near an Asian restaurant. However, I took her to Uwajimaya (the
Asian grocery store equivalent to Wegman's on the East Coast) and she
took a sample of a red bean bun. She actually declared that it was "not
bad." I nearly fainted.

Given my experience with picky relatives, here are my suggestions.
Others have suggested pad thai, and that's certainly innocuous. You can
also try a fresh spring (also called a summer) roll, which is a rice
paper sheet filled with noodles, shrimp (or pork or tofu), and greens.
There are usually two to an order, and they come with a dipping sauce.
Sometimes the sauce is hoisin or peanut based; other times, it's nuoc
cham (fish sauce condiment). The advantage to the Vietnamese noodle
bowls is that you can doctor them up to your heart's delight with as
much herbs, chiles, and nuoc cham as you like.


C.J. Fuller

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