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Judy Haffner Judy Haffner is offline
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Posts: 914
Default Recommend Thai, Vietnamese dish

Picky wrote:

>There is a new Thai & Vietnamese
> restaurant here that I may want to try,
> but I have no experience with these
> foods. I do not care for foods that are
> pepper-hot, I find most Chinese dishes
> too bland, and I love most all Japanese
> dishes I've tried. Based on your own
> favorites, what would you suggest I try
> at this new place?

Sheesh! the cat jumped up on my lap and hit the Send key on my keyboard,
before I got a chance to reply to your post.

Anyway, I haven't had any experience with Vietnamese food, as no
restaurant here that features that type food, but we have a Thai
restaurant about 2 minutes from our home, and we go there often. It
usually says on the menu, what is spicy and what is not. Some people ask
for the hotter foods to even be hotter, but I'm a "wooze" (spelling?) so
avoid the hotter spicer dishes. My favorite is the yellow curry with
chicken, but my daughter likes the red curry, as the heat level is high
on that one. I also love the one soup they have and can't remember the
name off hand, but has coconut milk, lemon grass, fresh mushrooms,
chicken, onions, tomato slices and cilantro on top) and the flavor is to
die for! I could just eat that and nothing else!

I also like the shrimp Pad Thai, Cashew Chicken, and Chicken With Young
Ginger, and hubby's favorite is the Garlic Pork With Cabbage, but the
Pork Satay is good also. Really everything they serve is delicious,
including their spring rolls. We order the Thai Tea, as that helps cool
one's mouth off, after eating something hot 'n' spicy...more so than
water does.

I'll be curious to know what you order?
