Recommend Thai, Vietnamese dish
On 4/6/2012 5:21 PM, Cindy Fuller wrote:
> In article
> >,
> > wrote:
>> There is a new Thai& Vietnamese restaurant here that I may want to
>> try, but I have no experience with these foods. I do not care for
>> foods that are pepper-hot, I find most Chinese dishes too bland, and I
>> love most all Japanese dishes I've tried. Based on your own
>> favorites, what would you suggest I try at this new place?
>> ...Picky
> My sister is very picky. When she was here last year, we couldn't get
> her near an Asian restaurant. However, I took her to Uwajimaya (the
> Asian grocery store equivalent to Wegman's on the East Coast) and she
> took a sample of a red bean bun. She actually declared that it was "not
> bad." I nearly fainted.
I had the same thing happen. I know someone who would never eat anything
Asian. I gave her a red bean bun and heard "wow, this is good"
> Given my experience with picky relatives, here are my suggestions.
> Others have suggested pad thai, and that's certainly innocuous. You can
> also try a fresh spring (also called a summer) roll, which is a rice
> paper sheet filled with noodles, shrimp (or pork or tofu), and greens.
> There are usually two to an order, and they come with a dipping sauce.
> Sometimes the sauce is hoisin or peanut based; other times, it's nuoc
> cham (fish sauce condiment). The advantage to the Vietnamese noodle
> bowls is that you can doctor them up to your heart's delight with as
> much herbs, chiles, and nuoc cham as you like.
> Cindy