bad apples
On Apr 9, 8:37*pm, RichD > wrote:
> On Apr 9, *"pavane" > wrote:
> > > Sometimes you find a fruit, with skin intact, but a discolored
> > > bruise is visble, beneath the skin. *(apples, pears) *I always
> > > slice that off, but is there any health hazard ingesting it?
> > Perfectly safe, slightly differrent taste and texture.
> > > Also, if the interior is sealed, skin unbroken, how does the
> > > discoloration occur, if there's no oxygen exposure?
> > Put your arm on a table. *Now pick up a hammer with the
> > other hand and hit your arm. *The skin probably will not
> > break but the area underneath will bruise. *Same thing.
> aha
> So, when an apple is bruised, it suffers internal bleeding,
> that's why it discolors.
> Thanks.
> > Remember that apple cells carry oxygen, as do most
> > living cells.
> If cells carry oxygen (whatever tha means), why
> do they need blood?
I've heard of blood oranges, but never blood apples.
> --
> Rich