Do you "wash" raw chicken?
On 2012-04-11, Pennyaline > wrote:
> "I've discovered most cryopak meats have
> that soupy slimey residue juice, which when exposed to hot tap water,
> will partially cook the proteins in the slime and gum up everything,
> including the plumbing. Better to use warm water and a sanitizing
> agent, like chlorine bleach."
> Perhaps you didn't mean to make that claim, but the wording of your
> comment does make it appear that you did indeed claim it.
Are you some kinda anal bitch whose gonna nit-pick every word I write?
Jes cuz I don't make you aware of every single move I make doesn't
mean I failed to strike every unsaid stroke.
Sqwertz, meet Pennyaline (is that your name or your profession?).
Here's one fer the B3hive. Pennyz-too-much-for-yer-thoughts, have you
met sf? She's a member in annoyingly good standing.
Christonacrutch! ...another one. 8/
vi --the heart of evil!