panic attack (OT)
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 13 Apr 2012 23:07:19 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> It doesn't sound like a panic attack to me either. But maybe it goes
>> beyond
>> that. Maybe this person has PTSD.
> I'm not going into this much but I used to have really bad panic
> attacks. My blood pressure would get to up 200 over 130-145. That
> can cause disorientation, but the type of things that she described.
> In my case I just froze. They would last for 1-3 hours until I found
> the right medication (which I no longer take).
> I think it's really foolish to discuss the problem here based on
> third-hand information and one emergency room diagnosis. It's
> foolish to ask for information here, too. We've got people here who
> think the cure to cancer is baking soda and maple syrup.
Not only that but there are other medical conditions that can give panic
attack symptoms. I had those symptoms when my thyroid was out of whack.
Having dealt with people who did have panic attacks, I was convinced that
was *not* what I was having, even though symptoms might have seemed
otherwise. Once my dose of thyroid med was lowered a *lot* those symptoms
magically went away.