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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Some people like their coffee.

On 2012-04-15, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> You are probably not interested in the La Marzocco then
> I though the commercial units for $20k were expensive until I saw one
> for $25k

Starbucks usta use only La Marzoccos, the Mercedes of espresso
machines, but the operator hadda know what (s)he was doing. Most *$
burger-flippin droids didn't. So, they sold off all those 1000s of
lovely SMs and bought "superautos", which is an espresso machine that
does it all, grinds, tamps, perks, delivers an espresso shot with the
press of a single button. No knowledge or skill on the operator's
part necessary. Those are what cost $20-25K and you gotta have a
certified technician in every few days to make sure that superauto is
tweaked to a capital T to deliver that perfect dopo. Otherwise they
get outta adjustment and will deliver up some seriously nasty dreck.


vi --the heart of evil!