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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Some people like their coffee.

On 2012-04-15, BubbaBob > wrote:

> How would anyone notice seriously nasty dreck at a Starbucks? Their whole
> business is based on seriously nasty dreck and $40 / gallon milk.

heh heh.... good point.

One of the times when I traveled from CO to CA, I was driving straight
thru and needed quick stimulants. I noticed the newer *$ had drive
thrus and knew they had recently gotten all new superautos. With this
in mind, I started hitting the drive thrus and ordering dbl dopos.
They were, on the whole, pretty danged good. In fact, round trip, I
only ran across one *$ that was serving espresso from a seriously
outta whack machine. All these were competively priced, at < $2 for
a dbl.

Considering the number of "espresso" shops I've gagged down really
terrible espresso, over the years --places that should know better,
but don't-- Starbucks has a higher success rate than most. BTW, I
don't do the cow juice thing.


vi --the heart of evil!