Thread: Mini Quiches
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Mini Quiches

Has anyone made these before? I made a recipe from one of the South Beach
cookbooks and I don't think it would have worked as written. The recipe
called for

1 10 oz. box of frozen spinach
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 cup chopped green pepper
3/4 cup shredded cheese
3/4 cup of egg product

You were supposed to nuke the spinach for 2 minutes and 30 seconds then
drain the juice off. Mix in the rest of the stuff then divide evenly
between 12 greased muffin tins and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until
a toothpick came out clean.

I did use red pepper and green onion because that is what I had. I added a
bit of salt and pepper. But once in the muffin tins there seemed to be all
veggies and not enough cheese or egg. I added about a teaspoon each to each
tin then mixed in.

They look okay after they were baked. But there is a *lot* of spinach in
there so I'm not sure Angela will eat them. She would likely eat them
without the spinach. I have seen similar recipes with other veggies
but...those seem to call for egg. Hard to tell though because most use real
eggs. I'm not sure how many eggs 3/4 of a cup would be. And most of the
other recipes say to use silicon muffin pans or liners. We don't have those
and I haven't seen them in the stores. I saw them online and they're not
cheap. I did buy a non-stick pan and they seemed to pop out just fine.