Quick thin crust pizza
On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 01:21:29 -0700 (PDT), Pandora >
> It's the first time I here of a pizza without rising time. I Am afraid
> it comes out too heavy to digest. Don't you think so?
I let thin crust pizza rise at least once and if I'm busy it rises as
many times as necessary.
Interestingly, I've discovered that the number of rises for focaccia
is much more critical (IMO) than it is for pizza. While I've never
tried a no rise method, I can say for sure that any more than one rise
makes focaccia way too soft and bread-like for me to enjoy. I can
also say without a doubt that my tastes absolutely require pizza dough
to be made with some olive oil and there is such a thing as too little
for me. Haven't tried a no fat focaccia dough yet and probably won't.
I know that decent, crusty French bread is made without fat and I like
it, but I don't like (my own) pizza crust when it's made that way.
That might be why I don't like those cracker-like (commercial) pizza
crusts either. They're probably made with no fat and little to no
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