Unusual combinations for peanut butter
On 4/17/2012 9:36 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> On Apr 14, 9:17 am, "Christopher > wrote:
>> Fig Newtons and peanut butter is spiffy.
>> W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)
> Okay, this is going to sound really weird and it is SO 50s, but: my
> mom made a Jello salad that had whole apricots (positioned in semi-set
> Jello so they would stay where she wanted them) which had been pitted
> and then stuffed with a combination of peanut butter and bacon. I
> thought it was really, really good, even when I was a little kid. I
> don't remember her making it much beyond my age of 8 or so.
> N.
Planting mines like that in a bowl of Jello like that sounds like a
choking hazard. OTOH, apricots stuffed with peanut butter and bacon
sounds like a good idea even in 2012. Well to me, anyway.