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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Posts: 3,415
Default Recommend Thai, Vietnamese dish

Michel Boucher wrote:
> Doug Freyburger > wrote:
>> The food ingrdients are better in the US than in most of the
>> rest of the world.

> Boy, that's a can of worms if ever there was one.

Sure, especially if you're from another part of the minority of the
developed world. I've visited Germany and thought it appeared to be in
that even smaller minority where the food ingredients across the span
of all of them average better than in the US. Plenty of people say the
same about several other countries in the EU. I've been to Japan and
they seemed to average about as good as the food available in the US
hard as it is to compare with that many differences. It still leaves
most of the world in the category of "be sure to get extra vaccinations
before going there and take plenty of Immodium with you".

It's also true that plenty of places in the world have specific
ingredients that are better than anywhere else. Still doesn't address
my generalization that the country with the most food in the world is
also near the top of developed countries for total average quality.