On Apr 17, 2:28*pm, Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
> John Kuthe wrote:
> >Brooklyn1 wrote:
> >>For non-stick cookware nothing beats properly seasoned stainless
> >>steel... only needs to be seasoned once, seasoning can't come off, is
> >>naturally non reactive, withstands highest cooking temperatures with
> >>ease, and needs no special care.
> >What is this majic coating
> I never said it's a coating... it's a treatment that's commonly used
> for many applications to make metal [relatively] non stick. *The
> process has been described here in detail several times previously.
> Just because you don't know something doesn't make it magic, it makes
> you ignorant. *You'll have to hunt and peck some but you may learn
> something:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honing_...Superfinishing
> You have lots to learn, this is just a beginning:http://bbs.homeshopmachinist.net/showthread.php?t=26134
> Something between a #4 & #5 finish is a goal:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_finishing
> Read and note the background image of this web page:http://www.precisiongrinding.com/Pla...ound_plate.htm
> It's actually easy to make a ss pan non stick but most folks haven't
> the cojones to remove the shiney/mirror factory finish.
All these parts will be lubricated in practice, so what does this have
to do with "non-stick"?