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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Unusual combinations for peanut butter

Gary wrote:
> Doug Freyburger wrote:
>> Christopher M. wrote:

>> > I love hot toast with peanut butter. The peanut butter becomes like a sauce.

>> Rye toast and almond butter is even better.

> Can you buy that or do you have to make it yourself? Sounds good.

Rye toast? In stores it only comes as un-toasted bread. ;^)

I've seen almond butter at plenty of stores. Not everywhere but it is
semi-common once you start looking for alternate nut butters.

Any nut can be made into butter. Put nuts into the food processor.
Turn it on in constant mode. At some point your ears hurt form the
noise. That's the half way point to a good nut butter.

I've tried several types of nuts and some types of peas/beans (peanuts
are peas nut tree nuts). Strangely the only one I was unimpressed with
was pistachio. Maybe pistachio needed extra oil for it to come out
good. Or maybe I couldn't get past the color.