Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 18:35:52 -0400, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> > One of the 'plans' I saw when I was looking at ovens had you build the
> > dome with sand-- then form mud over that. Let dry, dig out the sand.
> > Zero cost- minimal skill needed- lasts a couple seasons. Not all
> > that pretty. [but kind of cool, in a rustic way]
> A friend of mine had one built out of straw and cheap clay. Worked
> pretty well for under $200.
> -sw
Way back in the late 60's, my younger sister got an Easy Bake oven for
christmas. One night later, I had the munchies and I cooked every one of her
snacks that came with it late at night while the rest of the family was
sleeping. Ummmm....so good@
I wasn't very loved there once it was discovered though.