"spamtrap1888" wrote in message
On Apr 18, 7:57 am, sf > wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 07:06:29 -0700 (PDT), spamtrap1888
> > wrote:
> > On Apr 17, 6:11 pm, Jim Elbrecht > wrote:
> > > ImStillMags > wrote:
> > > >This is from the fornobravo site......
> > > >http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/phot...dex.php?n=5471
> > > >looks like the same oven as the one I posted about.
> > > I think the opening looks similar. But I suspect this is the rest
> > > of the oven-http://www.fornobravo.com/forum/photoplog/index.php?n=5444
> > > I'm not saying you can't find a dozen ovens shaped like the one you
> > > posted. It is simpler to build. But I think the majority of the
> > > 'oven geeks' will lean towards the beehive design, more or less.
> > The huge platform used to hold these ovens up way off the ground is
> > off-putting. Why not put in a shorter platform and use, say, a rolling
> > stool to sit on to load the wood and the pizzas?
> You don't have to spend thousands buying and building a brick pizza
> oven anymore. I've never been able to justify building one at my
> house because of the high initial cost, the cost of firewood (it ain't
> free here), the time it takes to get a brick oven up to temperature
> (for just a couple of pizzas? I think not) and the ease of finding
> wood oven pizza in a restaurant here. However, there are now inserts
> that can turn a 22 inch Weber into a pizza oven for under $150 (which
> I can justify).
> <http://slice.seriouseats.com/archives/2010/08/aftermarket-insert-turn...>
That's not a brick oven, but it will cook the pizza at pizzeria oven
temps, with smoke flavor from the wood/charcoal.
The short vertical dimension makes it too difficult to get the pizza onto
the stone. You couldn't use a wet dough, which makes the best pizzas. Watch
the YouTube video. The fire temp is probably too erratic. You want a
consistent 650-675 F on all sides. You shouldn't have to rotate. The pizza
that finally came out didn't look very good, at least visually.
I'd avoid that product.